Chanel Mobile Art@Central Park
Chanel Mobile Art
Chanel Mobile Art
Chanel Mobile Art
Chanel Mobile Art
Stefan Sagmeister, Things I Have Learned In My Life So Far@ Deitch Projects
Stefan Sagmeister, Things I Have Learned In My Life So Far@ Deitch Projects
Stefan Sagmeister, Things I Have Learned In My Life So Far@ Deitch Projects
Stefan Sagmeister | everything i do always comes back to me, Ladies gloves
Stefan Sagmeister, Things I Have Learned In My Life So Far@ Deitch Projects
banana wall
Stefan Sagmeister | Self-confidence Produces Fine Results, Banana Wall, 10,000 bananas
Stefan Sagmeister, Things I Have Learned In My Life So Far@ Deitch Projects
Stefan Sagmeister, Things I Have Learned In My Life So Far@ Deitch Projects
SoHo> SoHo Treasure vintage furniture store
SoHo Treasure vintage furniture store
SoHo> Cafe Habana, cuban cuisine
SoHo> Le Petit Café
SoHo> Le Petit Café
SoHo> agnes b.
SoHo> ALESSI, coffee bar是請Joe進駐的
my coworker Florian and his ex-sort-of-girlfriend
@Stiletto NYC
we are arty-crafty
哪兒來的S Train,有這條線嗎?幽靈地鐵...
Jeff Koons on the Roof@The Metropolitan Museum
Jeff Koons on the Roof@The Metropolitan Museum
trip to Long Island vineyards
trip to Long Island vineyards
trip to Long Island vineyards
trip to Long Island vineyards
trip to Long Island vineyards
trip to Long Island vineyards
Long Island> Paumanok Vineyards
Long Island> Paumanok Vineyards
Long Island> Paumanok Vineyards
Long Island trip
Long Island trip
Long Island trip
the Hamptons
the Hamptons> Main Street
the Hamptons> Main Street, on the way back to the city
因為要離開紐約了,我們決定去坐很觀光客的Circle Line Cruise,環繞Manhattan一圈
Cruising Manhattan
對岸的Jersey City,我們的家在中間那棟
Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty
繞過Statue of Liberty,接下來往East River看東岸風景
左: Jersey City, 右: Manhattan
Manhattan南端金融區 & Battery Park
東側的Lower Manhattan & Brooklyn Bridge
Brooklyn Bridge
Manhattan Bridge
2棟尖聳的建築,左側是Empire State Building(帝國大廈),右側是The Chrysler Building(克萊斯勒大樓)
Brooklyn Bridge
Brooklyn Bridge
South Street Seaport
橘色的Staten Island Ferry是Manhattan南邊Staten Island居民的通勤工具
西岸風景,左邊白色建築是座落在Chelsea,Frank Gehry設計的建築
cruising Manhattan
cruising Manhattan